Hello, and welcome to my website! I am a researcher, currently working on the interface between mathematics, physics and biology. I studied mathematics and complex systems science. During my PhD I looked at the modeling of cell cycle oscillations. Currently I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where I wonder about how cell-cell interactions lead to patterns and waves.

If you want to get in touch, you can reach me at jan.romboutsspamspamspam@ulb.be


  • 27 May 2021

PhD Defense

On the 27th of May, 2021, I defended my PhD at KU Leuven. The title of my thesis is 'The role of bistability and time delay in the coordination of the cell cycle'. Due to corona regulations only a limited number of people could attend, but fortunately we were able to have a drink outside afterwards. Thanks to everyone that was there, and especially to Lendert, my promotor, and the jury: Enrico Carlon, Karel Talavera PĂ©rez, Edda Klipp and Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo.